Want a Better Planning Experience? Share Your Thoughts!
Take a moment to speak your mind in the survey from the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Oregon services for people with Developmental Disabilities have changed a lot over the past several years. As is usually true, there have been some improvements, and some losses. The Office of Developmental Disabilities (ODDS), along with many stakeholders, is poised to begin work on improving the current service planning process, including ISPs, assessments, and the other important planning components. In order to make things better for you, we need to know more about your individual experiences.
The Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities has put together a survey to find out more about what is working for you, and what is not. As the Council's survey introduction says, "we know that many things need to be fixed. We want to learn from you about how things can be changed for the better." You can answer these questions as a person who receives Developmental Disability Services, or as a family member of someone who does. Your answers are anonymous. The results of this survey will be shared with ODDS, to help them guide their work.
Please, please, take a few minutes to answer these questions, and help us all be better: CLICK HERE