Leadership Changes at OSSA: Laura Noppenberger
Our organization is welcoming new leadership for the first time in nearly five years. We’ll be posting a series of articles over the next couple of weeks to introduce our new officers. We invite you to follow along and get to know us a little bit better.
Laura breaks the mold of this posting series, and that is nothing new for her. She has been serving OSSA as our Treasurer since 2017, when Bill Uhlman stepped down from his position as Director of Eastern Oregon Support Services Brokerage and with OSSA. Laura deftly took over both leadership at Eastern Oregon Support Services Brokerage, and the Treasurer responsibilities for OSSA, and has spent the last two years breaking new ground, including helping the association take on our first-ever employee. Laura is a problem-solver who doesn't shy away from hard work or a difficult conversation. You can always count on her to roll up her sleeves and help out with whatever work needs to be accomplished. She speaks the truth unflinchingly, a trait that will always be valued here. Take a moment to get to know Laura a bit better with our Q+A.
Tell us a little bit about your professional experience with Brokerages.
I was first hired by Full Access in Feb. 2002 as one of the original Personal Agents. Since that time I’ve has the opportunity to work in multiple capacities. I’ve worked both on the Brokerage side and the CDDP side. I was hired by Eastern Oregon Support Services Brokerage in June 2014 as the Associate Director and became the Executive Director July 1st, 2017.
Laura is not actually new, but is actually very appreciated.
What is one thing you’ve accomplished professionally that you’re proud of?
This might seem really simplistic but I have always held my north star close. In everything I do I strive to keep the original intent of the Brokerages at the heart of my thinking and decision making. In terms of actual accomplishments I would say managing a program that covers 13 Counties and supports 460+ adults to live satisfying lifestyles is a huge accomplishment.
Give us one hope you have for Brokerage services in Oregon.
That Brokerages continue to prosper and continue to be an innovative person centered choice for people who want services.
Which is your favorite holiday, and why?
I love Christmas because I get to watch it through my daughter’s eyes and that makes me happy. That and having a few days off is always nice.